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Request For Proposal

Planning a meeting or event in Abu Dhabi? Need some help? The Abu Dhabi Convention Bureau team is here to give you neutral and unbiased advice. Simply submit your request for proposal using the form below and our team will get back to you with the best event spaces, accommodation and services that Abu Dhabi has to offer.

T_Personal Details
Organisational Details
T_Event Details
Event date (event start and end dates)
Number of Attendees
Number of exhibitors
Would you require assistance through Advantage Abu Dhabi support?
Are you currently in contact with any Abu Dhabi based suppliers or stakeholders?
T_Brief and Supporting Documents
T_No files uploaded
  • T_Supported file formats .pdf .jpg .jpeg .txt .gif .tif .tiff .png .doc .docs .xls .xlsx .pptx
  • T_Maximum file(s) size 5 mb
  • T_Maximum number of files: 5 nos.

Maximum of 2,000 characters

RFP due date